2.2 Financial results of reporting segments


in PLN millions, unless otherwise stated

from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2021
KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. KGHM INTERNATIONAL LTD. Sierra Gorda S.C.M.* Other
Reconciliation items to consolidated data Consolidated
Elimination of data of the segment
Sierra Gorda S.C.M
Note 2.3 Revenues from contracts with customers, of which: 24 618 3 125 4 585 10 329 (4 585) (8 269) 29 803
– inter-segment 408 7 861 (8 269)
– external 24 210 3 125 4 585 2 468 (4 585) 29 803
Segment result – profit/(loss) for the period 5 169 2 632 3 178 (140) (3 178) (1 506) 6 155

Additional information on significant revenue/cost items of the segment

Depreciation/amortisation recognised in profit or loss (1 363) (516) (777) (258) 777 14 (2 123)
(Recognition)/reversal of impairment losses on non-current assets, including: 1 742 2 200 2 639 (216) (2 639) (1 680) 2 046
(recognition)/reversal of impairment losses on investments in subsidiaries 1 010 (86) (924)
(recognition)/reversal of allowances for impairment of loans granted 752 2 380 (752) 2 380
As at 31 December 2021
Assets, including: 43 458 13 646 12 232 6 066 (12 232) (15 143) 48 027
Segment assets 43 458 13 646 12 232 6 066 (12 232) (15 172) 47 998
Assets unallocated to segments 29 29
Liabilities, including: 17 618 18 185 12 844 3 339 (12 844) (18 253) 20 889
Segment liabilities 17 618 18 185 12 844 3 339 (12 844) (18 299) 20 843
Liabilities unallocated to segments 46 46
Other information

from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2021

Cash expenditures on property, plant and equipment and intangible assets – cash flows 2 407 1 014 605 490 (605) (21) 3 890
Production and cost data from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2021
Payable copper (kt) 577,6 71,7 104,4
Molybdenum (million pounds) 0,2 8,2
Silver (t) 1 332,2 2,0 31,9
TPM (koz t) 81,3 51,3 30,9
(C1) cash cost of producing payable copper (USD/lb PLN/lb)** 2,26 8,73 2,01 7,78 0,78 3,01
Segment result – adjusted EBITDA 5 474 1 340 3 167 346 10 327
EBITDA margin*** 22% 43% 6% 3%


* 55% of the Group’s share in Sierra Gorda S.C.M.’s financial and production data.
** Unit cash cost of payable copper production, reflecting ore mining and processing costs, transport costs, the minerals extraction tax, administrative expenses during the mining phase and smelter treatment and refining charges (TC/RC) less by-product value. C1 cost is in regard to payable copper in own concentrate in the case of the segment KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. and payable copper in end products of individual mines of the segment KGHM International Ltd. and the segment Sierra Gorda S.C.M. C1 cost in PLN/lb was calculated using the average exchange rate by the NBP (arithmetical average of daily quotations per the NBP’s tables).
*** Adjusted EBITDA to revenues from sales. For the purposes of calculating the Group’s EBITDA margin (30%), the consolidated revenues from contracts with customers were increased by revenues from contracts with customers of the segment Sierra Gorda S.C.M. [10 327 / (29 803 + 4 585) * 100]
**** Adjustments arise from consolidation eliminations and financial data of companies unallocated to any segment.

Financial results of reporting segments for the comparable period

from 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2020
KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. KGHM INTERNATIONAL LTD. Sierra Gorda S.C.M.* Other

Reconciliation items to consolidated data

Elimination of data of the segment
Sierra Gorda S.C.M
Note 2.3 Revenues from contracts with customers, of which: 19 326 2 703 2 599 7 881 (2 599) (6 278) 23 632
– inter-segment 313 20 5 955 (6 288)
– external 19 013 2 683 2 599 1 926 (2 599) 10 23 632
Segment result – profit/(loss) for the period 1 779 (691) (125) (37) 125 746 1 797

Additional information on significant revenue/cost items of the segment

Depreciation/amortisation recognised in profit or loss (1 293) (456) (804) (241) 804 27 (1 963)
(Recognition)/reversal of impairment losses on non-current assets, including: (192) 66 (162) 125 (163)
(recognition)/reversal of impairment losses on investments in subsidiaries (141) 141
(recognition)/reversal of allowances for impairment of loans granted (18) 74 18 74
Share of losses of joint ventures accounted for using the equity method (204) (204)
As at 31 December 2020
Assets, including: 39 342 10 811 9 701 5 636 (9 701) (13 009) 42 780

Segment assets

39 342 10 811 9 701 5 636 (9 701) (13 017) 42 772
Joint ventures accounted for using the equity method
Assets unallocated to segments 8 8
Liabilities, including: 18 616 17 569 13 232 2 778 (13 232) (17 264) 21 699
Segment liabilities 18 616 17 569 13 232 2 778 (13 232) (17 290) 21 673
Liabilities unallocated to segments 26 26
Other information from 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2020
Cash expenditures on property, plant and equipment and intangible assets – cash flows 2 432 597 544 351 (544) 78 3 458
Production and cost data from 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2020
Payable copper (kt) 560.4 66.9 81.8
Molybdenum (million pounds) 0.4 9
Silver (t)

1 322.9

 1.8 27.6
TPM (koz t) 96.8 66.0 31.4
(C1) cash cost of producing payable copper (USD/lb PLN/lb)** 1.62 6.30 1.91
1.19 4.66
Segment result – adjusted EBITDA 4 458 608 1 346 211 6 623
EBITDA margin*** 23% 22% 52% 3% 25%
* 55% of the Group’s share in Sierra Gorda S.C.M.’s financial and production data.
** Unit cash cost of payable copper production, reflecting ore mining and processing costs, transport costs, the minerals extraction tax, administrative expenses during the mining phase and smelter treatment and refining charges (TC/RC) less by-product value. C1 cost is in regard to payable copper in own concentrate in the case of the segment KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. and payable copper in end products of individual mines of the segment KGHM International Ltd. and the segment Sierra Gorda S.C.M. C1 cost in PLN/lb was calculated using the average exchange rate by the NBP (arithmetical average of daily quotations per the NBP’s tables).
*** Adjusted EBITDA to revenues from sales. For the purposes of calculating the Group’s EBITDA margin (25%), the consolidated revenues from contracts with customers were increased by revenues from contracts with customers of the segment Sierra Gorda S.C.M. [6 623 / (23 632 + 2 599) * 100]
**** Adjustments arise from consolidation eliminations and financial data of companies unallocated to any segment.

Financial results of reporting segments for the comparable period

from 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2020
KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. KGHM INTERNATIONAL LTD. Sierra Gorda S.C.M.* Other

Reconciliation items to consolidated data

Elimination of data of the segment
Sierra Gorda S.C.M
Note 2.3 Revenues from contracts with customers, of which: 19 326 2 703 2 599 7 881 (2 599) (6 278) 23 632
– inter-segment 313 20 5 955 (6 288)
– external 19 013 2 683 2 599 1 926 (2 599) 10 23 632
Segment result – profit/(loss) for the period 1 779 (691) (125) (37) 125 746 1 797

Additional information on significant revenue/cost items of the segment

Depreciation/amortisation recognised in profit or loss (1 293) (456) (804) (241) 804 27 (1 963)
(Recognition)/reversal of impairment losses on non-current assets, including: (192) 66 (162) 125 (163)
(recognition)/reversal of impairment losses on investments in subsidiaries (141) 141
(recognition)/reversal of allowances for impairment of loans granted (18) 74 18 74
Share of losses of joint ventures accounted for using the equity method (204) (204)
As at 31 December 2020
Assets, including: 39 342 10 811 9 701 5 636 (9 701) (13 009) 42 780

Segment assets

39 342 10 811 9 701 5 636 (9 701) (13 017) 42 772
Joint ventures accounted for using the equity method
Assets unallocated to segments 8 8
Liabilities, including: 18 616 17 569 13 232 2 778 (13 232) (17 264) 21 699
Segment liabilities 18 616 17 569 13 232 2 778 (13 232) (17 290) 21 673
Liabilities unallocated to segments 26 26
Other information from 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2020
Cash expenditures on property, plant and equipment and intangible assets – cash flows 2 432 597 544 351 (544) 78 3 458
Production and cost data from 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2020
Payable copper (kt) 560.4 66.9 81.8
Molybdenum (million pounds) 0.4 9
Silver (t)

1 322.9

 1.8 27.6
TPM (koz t) 96.8 66.0 31.4
(C1) cash cost of producing payable copper (USD/lb PLN/lb)** 1.62 6.30 1.91
1.19 4.66
Segment result – adjusted EBITDA 4 458 608 1 346 211 6 623
EBITDA margin*** 23% 22% 52% 3% 25%
* 55% of the Group’s share in Sierra Gorda S.C.M.’s financial and production data.
** Unit cash cost of payable copper production, reflecting ore mining and processing costs, transport costs, the minerals extraction tax, administrative expenses during the mining phase and smelter treatment and refining charges (TC/RC) less by-product value. C1 cost is in regard to payable copper in own concentrate in the case of the segment KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. and payable copper in end products of individual mines of the segment KGHM International Ltd. and the segment Sierra Gorda S.C.M. C1 cost in PLN/lb was calculated using the average exchange rate by the NBP (arithmetical average of daily quotations per the NBP’s tables).
*** Adjusted EBITDA to revenues from sales. For the purposes of calculating the Group’s EBITDA margin (25%), the consolidated revenues from contracts with customers were increased by revenues from contracts with customers of the segment Sierra Gorda S.C.M. [6 623 / (23 632 + 2 599) * 100]
**** Adjustments arise from consolidation eliminations and financial data of companies unallocated to any segment.

Reconciliation of adjusted EBITDA

from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2021
Sierra Gorda S.C.M. ** Adjusted
(segments, total)
1 2 3 4 5
6 7
Profit/(Loss) for the period 5 169 2 632 (140) (1 506) 6 155 3 178
[-] Profit or loss on involvement in joint ventures 2 874 2 874
[-] Current and deferred income tax (1 547) 1 (63) (60) (1 669) (1 059)
[-] Depreciation/amortisation recognised
in profit or loss
(1 363) (516) (258) 14 (2 123) (777)
[-] Finance income and (costs) (476) (974) (19) 998 (471) (787)
[-] Other operating income and (costs) 3 088 69 (19) (2 427) 711 (5)

Recognition)/reversal of impairment losses on non-current assets recognised in cost of sales, selling costs and administrative expenses

(7) (162) (127) (3) (299) 2 639
Segment result – adjusted EBITDA 5 474 1 340 346 (28) 7 132 3 167 10 327
* Adjustments arise from consolidation eliminations and financial data of companies unallocated to any segment.
** 55% share of the Group in the financial data of Sierra Gorda S.C.M.

from 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2020
Sierra Gorda S.C.M. ** Adjusted
(segments, total)
1 2 3 4 5
6 7
Profit/(Loss) for the period 1 779 (691) (37) 746 1 797 (125)
[-] Profit or loss on involvement in joint ventures 247 247
[-] Current and deferred income tax (988) (1) (21) 51 (959) 207
[-] Depreciation/amortisation recognised
in profit or loss
(1 293) (456) (241) 27 (1 963) (804)
[-] Finance income and (costs) (1 027) (20) 1 019 (28) (843)
[-] Other operating income and (costs) (398) (54) 100 (272) (624) (31)
[-](Recognition)/reversal of impairment losses on non-current assets recognised in cost of sales, selling costs and administrative expenses (8) (66) (89) (163)
Segment result – adjusted EBITDA 4 458 608 211 10 5 287 1 346 6 623
* Adjustments arise from consolidation eliminations and financial data of companies unallocated to any segment.
**55% share of the Group in the financial data of Sierra Gorda S.C.M.

A detailed description of the results of individual segments is presented in the following sections of the Management Board’s report on the activities of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. and of the KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Group in 2021:

  • the segment KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. – in section 7,
  • the segment KGHM INTERNATIONAL LTD. – in section 8,
  • the segment Sierra Gorda S.C.M. – in section 9.

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