The carrying amount of the liability due to future employee benefits is equal to the present value of the liabilities due to defined benefits. The amount of the liability depends on many factors, which are used as assumptions in the actuarial method. Any changes to the assumptions may impact the carrying amount of the liability. Interest rates are one of the basic parameters for measuring the liability. At the end of the reporting period, based on the opinion of an independent actuary, an appropriate discount rate for the Group’s companies is used for setting the present value of estimated future cash outflow due to these benefits. In setting the discount rate for the reporting period, the actuary extrapolates current interest rates of government bonds along the profitability curve expressed in the currency of the future benefits payments, to obtain a discount rate enabling the discounting of payments with maturities which are longer than the maturities of the bonds.
Other macroeconomic assumptions used to measure liabilities due to future employee benefits, such as the inflation rate or the minimum salary, are based on current market conditions. The assumptions used for measurement as at 31 December 2021 are presented in Note 11.2.
The sensitivity of future employee benefits liabilities to changes in the assumptions was set based on the amounts of the Parent Entity’s liabilities (the Parent Entity’s liabilities represent 88% of the Group’s liabilities in the current year and 90% in the previous year). In the remaining Group companies, due to the immaterial amounts of liabilities in this regard, the impact of changes of the basic parameters adopted for the calculation of provisions on future employee benefits liabilities in the consolidated financial statements would be immaterial.
Impact of changes in the indicators on the balance of liabilities (the Parent Entity)
As at
31 December 2021 |
As at
31 December 2020 |
an increase in the discount rate by 1 percentage point |
(242) |
(427) |
a decrease in the discount rate by 1 percentage point |
308 |
587 |
an increase in coal price increase rate and
an increase in salary increase rate by 1 percentage point |
228 |
580 |
a decrease in coal price increase rate and
a decrease in salary increase rate by 1 percentage point |
(177) |
(422) |