Management of chemical substances
KGHM Polska Miedź S.A., as one of Europe’s leading non-ferrous metals producers, applies the principles of responsible management of chemicals introduced by the EU’s REACH and CLP regulations.
KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. has successfully implemented the REACH system into its operations to ensure compliance with the REACH Regulation and continuity of KGHM’s product supply to its customers. At present, REACH is bread and butter of our everyday operations. As part of the REACH system, the Company has registered all of the substances it has introduced to trading with the European Chemicals Agency. Under the REACH implementation strategy, KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. became a member of several REACH consortia, which manage the process of registering substances and half-finished products included in the consortia. KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. is currently a member of six international REACH substances consortia:
- the REACH Copper Consortium,
- the European Precious Metals Federation,
- the Lead REACH Consortium,
- the Nickel REACH Consortium,
- the REACH Selenium &Tellurium Consortium,
- the REACH Copper Compounds Consortium.
In 2021, the consortia worked on updating the registration documentation for substances and halffinished products, reflecting the newest results of research and the newest guidelines of the European Chemicals Agency. Under these consortia activities were carried out with respect to the harmonised classification of copper, lead and silver, procedures for granting lead permits, copper endocrine properties and permissible lead and copper concentrations in the workplace environment. As a result of the presentation in October 2020 of the „EU chemicals strategy for sustainability”, the European Commission commenced a review of the REACH and CLP regulations. The consortia, together with Eurometaux, are analysing the assumptions for the changes in the regulations and are actively participating in broad consultations in this regard. The goal of the new chemicals strategy is to increase safety and to achieve zero polluting emissions for a non-toxic environment, contained in the European Green Deal. The new strategy carries with it many challenges and is being broadly commented on throughout Europe.
In 2021, the Company’s costs incurred from cooperation with the consortia amounted to EUR 154 thousand. The main item was a fee paid to the European Precious Metals Federation connected with research on metallic silver and the updating of registration documentation.
Due to changes in the REACH regulation’s requirements, the Company updated its substances properties cards, which were then provided to customers.