Energy Management System (EMS) in KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. and Energetyka sp. z o.o.
In 2017 the Parent Entity and Energetyka Sp. z o.o. implemented an ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (EMS), in conformity with PN-EN ISO 50001:2012. The re-certification audit conducted in KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. and in Energetyka Sp. z o.o. in September 2020 confirmed that KGHM had adapted its Energy Management System to comply with the requirements of the new edition of the standard: PN-EN ISO 50001:2018. The first Supervision Audit in KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. and in Energetyka Sp. z o.o. conducted in June 2021 confirmed that the system is undergoing continual improvement, as are the energy results. Based on the findings of the UDT CERT Certification Unit’s auditor team, it was concluded that the Energy Management System in KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. and in Energetyka Sp. z o.o. is fit to achieve the planned objectives, and its certificate has been renewed.
As a result of the EMS implementation, the costs of energy audits are avoided, which must be performed pursuant to the Energy Efficiency Act if no certified Energy Management System is in place. Another result of the EMS operation is the possibility to implement a comprehensive improvement of the energy management process and improve KGHM’s energy result, which in 2020 generated energy savings of 26.9 GWh.
The EMS also reduces the costs of purchase and consumption of power utilities, including the cost of CO₂ emission rights, as a result of lower greenhouse gas emissions. We intend to raise the skills of our human resources, achieve further savings in future years and, most importantly, improve occupational safety for all of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.’s employees through the implementation of standards and improvement of procedures.