Environmental protection – Domestic Companies of the KGHM Group
The Polish companies of the KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Group operate in compliance with environmental laws. Companies which are required to do so hold valid environmental permits.
In 2021, investments made in Energetyka Sp. z o.o. were aimed at the following:
- adapting existing equipment and installations of the Polkowice heat and power plant to the emissions requirements of the IED Directive and BAT Conclusions (completion of investments commenced in prior years),
- modernisation of two steam boilers at the Głogów Unit – adaptation to new conditions and technological processes related to a halt in the incineration of throat gases (the modernisation involves adapting equipment to changes in incineration fuel in the boilers from throat gas to nitrogen-rich natural gas to the extent necessary for reserving steam for the Głogów Copper Smelter and Refinery and supplying heat to the town of Głogów (completion of investments commenced in prior years),
- modernisation of the industrial effluents separation chamber at the Legnica Unit – ensuring uninterrupted production by the Legnica Copper Smelter and Refinery and increasing the efficiency of the industrial effluents treatment plant (completion of investments commenced in prior years)
- construction of a photovoltaic installation on the grounds of the Głogów heat and power plant – a photovoltaic generator with installed capacity of 1,400 kW, connected with the distribution network of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. – decrease in CO₂ emissions (investment commenced).
The second-highest environmental fees paid in 2021 were incurred by the company KGHM ZANAM S.A., i.e. PLN 1.3 million, including PLN 1.2 million due to waste management – an increase of 44% compared to 2020, due to the advancement of maintenance and modernisation work and the cleaning of company facilities and services facilities. The company launching a photovoltaic power plant at the Legnica site helps reduce contaminants such as: dust, sulphur oxides, nitrogen, carbon monoxide and dioxide. Moreover, in 2021, at the Casting Unit in Legnica, advancement of an investment commenced involving the exchange of gas furnace powering technology with an electric chamber furnace.

NITROERG S.A. is an entity in the Group whose environmental fees are not large (in 2021 they amounted to PLN 0.2 million), but is one whose activities could have a significant impact on the environment due to the risk of industrial breakdowns. Its activities comprise the production of explosives, fuel additives and initiation materials. The plant meets all requirements as regards the conduct of operations by plants involved in hazardous activities.