- Covid patient care at the hospital MCZ in Lubin
- Temporary hospital in Legnica
- Mobile vaccination points for employees of KGHM and others
- Protective procedures

Support of the public by the KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Group during the COVID-19 pandemic
KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. as well as all international mines of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Group and Sierra Gorda S.C.M. took a number of measures in connection with the coronavirus pandemic announced in 2020. These are shown in the graphic below:
- Thermal cameras
- Disinfectant liquid
- Masks in common-use areas
- Personal safety measures when travelling into/out of the mines
- Limits in employee transport vehicles
- Informational campaign about vaccinations
- Competitions for employees promoting vaccination
- Continuous announcements on internal procedures and sanitary services guidelines in Company media platforms
- Infolines for employees and dedicated e-mail addresses
In 2021, activities related to assistance for the inhabitants of, among others, the Copper Basin, but also in support of KGHM employees, continued. Special emphasis was placed on educational and informational activities, as well as mitigating the effects of the pandemic, among others by popularising and providing access to psychological advice for employees and the region’s inhabitants. The Management Board’s Medical Council made recommendations related to sanitary strictures on an ongoing basis. Mobile vaccination points were launched in late July and early August in each of the Company’s facilities. The possibility of voluntary vaccination against COVID 19 was offered not only to employees, but also to the families, friends and acquaintances of KGHM’s employees. Thanks to the campaign and the commitment of the medical staff of the Copper Health Centre (a Group company), nearly 2,200 people were vaccinated. The campaign continues in 2022.
THE KGHM Polska Miedź Foundation made donations in connection with COVID-19 in 2021:
Entity | Territorial affiliation |
Received on | Project name | Donation granted PLN |
Fundacja na Rzecz Umacniania Więzi Rodzinnych i społecznych NEURON+ w Warszawie (Foundation for Strengthening Family and Social Ties NEURON+ in Warsaw) | Capital City of Warsaw County Mazovian Voivodeship ul. Piękna 49 00-672 Warsaw |
2021/02/12 | Subsidising the organisation of the National Information and Education Campaign Stop Barriers – Stop COVID-19. Building an effective ecosystem for COVID-19 support for people at particular risk of the pandemic due to age and disability. Costs of maintenance of the Stop the Barriers Internet platform, work of the platform’s editorial team, fees for on-line consultations (doctor, epidemiologist, psychologist, legal advisor, consultant on administrative procedures for persons with disabilities, expansion and updating of maps, information and educational production, creation of mobile Application 2.0, costs of an information campaign spot, launch of a hotline. Project completion date is Q1-Q4 2021. | 150,000 |
Wielospecjalistyczny Szpital Powiatowy S.A. (Multi specialty County Hospital) in Tarnowskie Góry | Góry County Tarnowskie Góry Municipality Silesian Voivodship ul. Pyskowicka 47-51 42-600 Tarnowskie Góry |
2021/02/12 | Purchase of 5 pieces of ECG equipment to supply WSP S.A. in Tarnowskie Góry with medical equipment to combat COVID-19. | 30,000 |
Stowarzyszenie Wspólnota Mieszkańców Dzielnicy Włochy w Warszawie (Residents’ Community Association of the District of Włochy in Warsaw) | Capital City of Warsaw County County M.St. Warszawa Mazovian Voivodeship ul. Batalionu AK. Włochy 20B/11 02-482 Warsaw |
2021/02/16 | “At WMDW we support residents in 2021 – together against COVID”. Purchase of personal protective equipment: masks, disinfectant fluids, disinfectant gels, disinfectant wipes, antibacterial soap, gloves for vulnerable people – volunteers caring for the elderly and residents. Deadline for project implementation until 05.2021 (scan of application) | 20,000 |
Caritas Diecezji Łomżyńskiej (Caritas of Łomża Diocese) | Łomża County Łomża Municipality Podlaskie Voivodship ul. Rybaki 1 18-400 Łomża |
2021/02/23 | Co-financing of the project titled “Chance for Health – post-Covid rehabilitation”! – co-financing of the Rehabilitation Hall through purchase of a set of specialist rehabilitation equipment necessary for rehabilitation of post-COVID-19 patients. Costs of purchasing sets of rehabilitation equipment: CARDIV system with ERT-200 treadmill, Profi L plus manual lymphatic drainage table, torsion stepper, stabilometric platform, VAST equipment, rowing machine, therapeutic massage apparatus, Aquapump, sollux lamp and ultrasound inhaler | 90,000 |
Medycznego we Wrocławiu (Foundation of the Medical University of Wrocław) | Wrocław County Wrocław Municipality Dolnośląskie Voivodship ul. J. Mikulicza-Radeckiego 5 50-345 Wrocław |
2021/03/10 | Purchase of personal protective equipment for 6,000 students of the Medical University of Wrocław who attend clinical classes in hospitals at patients’ bedsides. The cost of purchasing 58,080 protective aprons as part of the prevention, counteraction and eradication of COVID-19. | 100,000 |
Szkoła Podstawowa im. K. Makuszyńskiego w Gaworzycach (K. Makuszyński Primary School in Gaworzyce) | Polkowice County Gaworzyce Municipality Dolnośląskie Voivodship ul. Szkolna 211 59-180 Gaworzyce |
2021/03/23 | Funding for the organisation of a cycle of psychological support workshops during the Covid-19 pandemic for 50 students and 20 parents of SP Gaworzyce. Salary costs for pedagogues, psychologists and therapists. From 04 to 06.2021 | 5,005 |
Wojewódzki Szpital Specjalistyczny w Legnicy (Voivodeship Specialized Hospital in Legnica) |
Legnica County Legnica Municipality Dolnośląskie Voivodship ul. Iwaszkiewicza 5 59-220 Legnica |
2021/06/02 | Subsidised rehabilitation of patients following COVID-19. Cardiology consultation, pulmonology, dietetics, psychology, rehabilitation, neurology, rehabilitation consults. Deadline until 06.2022 | 100,000 |
Zakład Opiekuńczo-Leczniczy dla Dzieci im. Jana Pawła II prowadzony przez Zgromadzenie Sióstr Maryi Niepokalanej w Jaszkotle (John Paul II Care and Treatment Centre for Children run by the Congregation of Mary Immaculate Sisters in Jaszkotle) | Wrocław County, Kąty Wrocławskie Municipality Dolnośląskie Voivodship Jaszkotle 21 55-080 Kąty Wrocławskie |
2021/06/10 | Equipping a newly developed rehabilitation and education area to improve the fitness of school and pre-school children struggling with motor and mental disabilities and exclusion due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Costs of purchase of 2 rotors for exercising upper limbs and 2 for exercising lower limbs, a mangle for the therapy of disorders, a zigzag tunnel, a set of sports accessories, a gymnastic set, a bosu ball, costs of 4 steppers, 4 balls, 4 sensory cushions, an equipment trolley, 4 Redcord Trainer Mastery devices, a stationary bicycle, a Luiz children’s exercise device, a treadmill, costs of Universal Exercise Units – complete equipment, a table for Universal Exercise Units for exercises in rehabilitation of muscular disorders and a table for manual exercises, a gymnastics and exercise set. Deadline until 12.2021 | 60,000 |
TOTAL | PLN 555,005 |
KGHM Polska Miedź S.A., together with regional Social Assistance Centres, Caritas and local organizations, planned measures to increase the safety and comfort of the elderly in Lower Silesia. The total commitment of KGHM as part of the Solidarity Senior Aid Corps amounted to over PLN 520,000. Aid has reached over 34 thousand people.
At the Miedziowe Centrum Zdrowia (Copper Health Centre) in Lubin, which belongs to the KGHM Group, a ward for patients with coronavirus and suspected infection has been operating since early November 2020. The hospital can take more than 50 patients.