The Group issued guarantees which meet the definition of contingent liabilities pursuant to IAS 37 and recognises them in contingent liabilities and guarantees, which meet the definition of financial guarantees under IFRS 9, and which are measured and recognised as financial instruments pursuant to this standard.
The financial guarantee agreement is an agreement obliging its Issuer to make certain payments compensating the holder of the guarantee for the loss they will incur due to a debtor’s failure to pay on the due date, pursuant to the initial or amended terms of a debt instrument.
The liability due to the financial guarantee granted as at the end of the reporting period is recognised at the higher of two amounts: the initial value of the issued guarantee less the amount of profits recognised in profit or loss on guarantees, or the amount of an allowance for expected credit losses – set pursuant to the principles of the general model, described in accounting policies in Note 7.5.2.