12.5 Assets and liabilities not recognised in the statement of financial position


The value of contingent assets and liabilities and other liabilities not recognised in the statement of financial position were determined based on estimates.

As at
31 December 2021
As at
31 December 2020
Contingent assets 509  532 
Guarantees received 325 297
Promissory notes receivables 134 123
Other 50 112
Note 8.6 Contingent liabilities 466  1 349 
Note 8.6 Guarantees and letters of credit* 179 1 055
Promissory note payables 173 171
Property tax on underground mine workings 47 55
Other 67 68
Other liabilities not recognised in the statement of financial position 99  100 
Liabilities towards local government entities due to expansion of the tailings storage facility 99 100
*Decrease due to the expiry of the liability towards two beneficiaries:
Empressa Electrica Cochrane SPA – expired because Sierra Gorda S.C.M. achieved parameters defined in the agreement for the off-take of electricity between Sierra Gorda S.C.M. and the beneficiary of the letter of credit, which resulted in the expiry of the liability of Sierra Gorda S.C.M. to maintain collateral of the aforementioned agreement. The liability expired on 6 April 2021,
York Potash Ltd, London – expired because of the termination of the contract for design services and sinking four shafts along with associated infrastructure and equipment, entered into between DMC Mining Services (UK) Ltd. and DMC Mining Services Ltd. (companies of the KGHM INTERNATIONAL LTD. Group) and York Potash Ltd. The liability expired on 1 March 2021.

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