10.2 Trade receivables
in PLN millions, unless otherwise stated
Accounting policies
Trade receivables are initially recognised at the transaction price (unless the receivables contains a significant financial component subject to separation and therefore the receivables are initially recognised at fair value). After initial recognition, trade receivables are measured as follows:
- Receivables not transferred to non-recourse factoring and not based on the M+ pricing formula: at amortised cost while taking into account the loss allowance for expected credit losses (ECL). Trade receivables with maturity dates of less than 12 months are not discounted.
- Receivables transferred to non-recourse factoring: at fair value through profit or loss, where the fair value is determined in the amount of their carrying amount less the factor’s compensation, which include, among others, interest costs and risk assumption costs. Because of the short duration between the transferral of receivables to the factor and its payment and due to the low credit risk of the counterparty (factor), the fair value of these receivables does not include the impact of these factors. Receivables transferred to non-recourse factoring are obligatorily designated to the category of financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss, because they were classified to a business model in which cash flows are realised solely by selling financial assets.
- Receivables based on the M+ pricing formula: at fair value through profit or loss, where fair value is set as the nominal value (i.e. at the price in the invoice), adjusted by the impact of market and credit risks. Adjustment due to the market risk is calculated as the difference between the current market price for a given pricing period in the future (the period in which there will be a final determination of the settlement price) and the receivables’ price recognised in the accounting books (multiplied by the sales volume). Adjustment due to the credit risk is calculated analogously to the calculation of expected credit losses for trade receivables measured at amortised cost. Receivables based on the M+ pricing formula are obligatorily designated to the category of financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss, because these receivables do not pass the SPPI contractual cash flow test (solely payments of principal and interest) because of the element of variable price after the date of initial recognition of the receivables.
Receivables measured at fair value may be measured based on the applied M+ pricing formula as well as due to transferral to factoring. The measurements are carried out independently of each other. The result of both measurements is recognised in the profit or loss in other operating income/(costs).
The Group is exposed to the credit risk and currency risk related to trade receivables. Credit risk management
and assessment of the credit quality of receivables is presented in Note Information on currency risk is presented in Note
The following table presents the carrying amounts of trade receivables and the loss allowances for expected credit losses:
As at 31 December 2021 |
As at 31 December 2020 |
Trade receivables measured at amortised cost – gross value |
435 | 444 |
Loss allowance for expected credit losses | (36) | (53) |
Trade receivables measured at amortised cost – net value |
399 | 391 |
Trade receivables measured at fair value | 627 | 478 |
Nota 10.4 Total, of which: | 1 026 | 869 |
recognised in assets held for sale (disposal group) | 15 | – |
recognised as “trade receivables” and “other financial instruments measured at amortised cost” | 1 011 | – |