In 2021, the Group was mainly exposed to the risk of the changes in the prices of metals it sells: copper and silver. Of major significance for the Parent Entity was the risk of changes in currency rates, in particular the USD/PLN exchange rate. The Group’s companies are additionally exposed to the risk of volatility in the prices of other metals. Market risk related to changes in metals prices arises from the formula for setting prices in physical metals sales contracts, which are usually based on the average monthly market prices for the relevant future month.
In accordance with the Market Risk Management Policy, in 2021 the Parent Entity continuously identified and measured market risk related to changes in metals prices, exchange rates and interest rates (analysis of the impact of market risk factors on the Parent Entity’s activities – profit or loss, statement of financial position, statement of cash flows), and also analysed the metals, currencies and interest rates markets.
These analyses, along with assessment of the internal situation of the Parent Entity and Group, represented the basis for taking decisions on the application of hedging strategies on the metals, currency and interest rates markets. In terms of the realisation of the strategic plan of hedging against the risk of changes in the USDPLN exchange rate, in 2021 the Parent Entity purchased put options for the total amount of USD 1,050 million to cover planned revenues from sales with maturities from February 2021 to June 2022, and also entered into collar options strategies in the notional amount of USD 240 million with maturities from July 2022 to December 2022. Moreover, in 2021 the Parent Entity managed an open hedged position on the currency market by restructuring options structures.
In 2021, the Parent Entity implemented seagull hedging strategies on the copper market for the period from January 2022 to December 2023 for the total notional amount of 87 thousand tonnes. In terms of restructuring a hedging position on the copper market, call options were purchased for the period from March to December 2021 for the total notional amount of 155 thousand tonnes, opening at the same time participation in potential further price rises for the collar and seagull options structures held for 2021. In the second half of 2021 the strike price of structures hedging revenues from the sale of copper was also raised for the period from October to December 2021 for the total notional amount of 25.5 thousand tonnes. Also restructured was a position on the forward silver market for the period from July 2021 to December 2022. Detailed disclosures on the actions taken in 2021 with respect to market risk management is presented in notes and of the financial statements.
As at 31 December 2021, the Parent Entity also held open CIRS (Cross Currency Interest Rate Swap) transactions for the notional amount of PLN 2 billion, hedging against market risk related to the issue of bonds in PLN with a variable interest rate. Debt due to bonds denominated in PLN generate currency risk due to the fact that most of the Parent Entity’s sales revenue is denominated in USD.
In terms of managing currency risk, the Parent Entity applies natural hedging by borrowing in currencies in which it has revenues. The value of bank and investment loans as at 31 December 2021 drawn in USD, following their translation into PLN, amounted to PLN 2,980 million (as at 31 December 2020: PLN 4,321 million).
In 2021, none of the Group’s mining subsidiaries implemented forward transactions on the metals and currency markets and did not hold open positions as at 31 December 2021. Risk related to changes in metals prices did however exist in the case of embedded derivative instruments in contracts for the purchase of metal-bearing materials.
Some of the Group’s Polish companies managed the currency risk related to their core businesses by opening derivative transactions on the EUR/PLN and USD/PLN markets.